ID Printers, Badges & Accessories

Do’s And Don’ts When Creating Visitor Badges
Visitor badges have long become a standard in many workplaces and facilities. They are an easy and quick way to identify visitors. In workplaces that require a high level of security, like government facilities, employees are often required to wear badges. These badges often tend to remain valid, but visitor badges only have a specific validity period – expiring badges are the most popular type of visitor badges for this reason. When creating visitor badges for your organization, there are some do’s and don’ts you will want to take note of. We’ve listed them here.
Do Create An Organized Badge System
When your organization implements a badge system, you should clearly outline the types of badges that people are required to wear. For a basic office environment, you might only require simple differentiations such as “staff”, “contractor” and, “visitor”. More complex manufacturing and workplace environments, however, may require more badge designations to account for specific roles such as “manufacturing” or even “security”.
During this outlining process, you’ll also want to list down the permitted areas for each badge type. Once you’ve determined the types of visitors (and badges) within your organization, you’ll want to determine where each type of visitor can be left unsupervised, or where they need to be within sight of an employee. For many organizations, the latter can be areas of the building that contain confidential information, such as intellectual property, or areas with occupational health and safety requirements. Areas such as reception or dining areas, however, should be safe enough for visitors to roam freely.
Once you’ve settled on the organization system for your badges, you can move on to creating them. An organized system helps you plan clearly how many types of badges you’ll need, as well as the design and information needed for each type.
Do Include Essential Information on Each Badge
While this can vary from organization to organization, there is some specific information that should be featured for optimal security. We suggest including at least the following:
- Visitor photo identification
- Visitor name
- Visitor company
- Visitor type
- Host company logo and name
- Check-in date and time
- Name of host
Having all of the information above at a glance will help employees be able to identify visitors easily, as well as know who they should contact if need be. Having the check-in dates and times on the badges will also help you identify if anyone is lingering at your organization longer than they should be.
Do Not Include Your Company’s Name
In case an employee or visitor loses their access badge, the very last thing you’ll need is for the person who finds it to know what and where the badge can grant them entry. We suggest providing a contact number instead. Ideally, the number should not be able to be traced back to your company.
Do Have an Efficient System in Place to Create and Distribute Badges
The last thing you want is for a long line to develop while you’re creating and distributing your badges to visitors. Why not have a look at our visitor badges for some secure and efficient systems to have in place? For larger organizations, we recommend the Lobby Track Premier Edition Software Bundle.